Asset Recovery

We will working with companies to understand and meet their asset recovery objectives and design a program to efficiently accomplish those goals. Asset recovery will help get ride of old equipment freeing up warehouse for new product and equipment.

Asset Management Uk: Make Your Assets Work for You

By Anton Kadin -- An asset can be defined as anything owned by an individual or a company that has a cash value. It may include physical goods, property, savings and investments. Therefore, we can say that asset management is the management of physical goods, property, savings and investments. Asset management UK includes management of assets such as money, equipment and property and also the non-tangible assets such as information and the workflow processes. In any commercial set up... more

Asset Management Services: Get More Profit From Your Assets

By Anton Kadin -- Your company is made up of not only tangible assets but various non-tangible assets also constitute that and asset management is also the management of those non-tangible assets such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, business methodologies, information, goodwill etc. Asset management services provide tools so that you can gain optimum utilization from the available tangible and non-tangible resources of your company. It tries that a company may get maximum returns at the minimum investment which is... more

How to Protect your Assets

By McDonald Law Group -- Asset protection is the legal safeguard of your assets. Every state has enacted laws which allow individuals to legally protect their assets from future creditors. Asset protection is not an attempt to defraud creditors, which is a criminal offense. Asset protection is not hiding your assets; it is a properly structured plan which allows the debtor to reveal the nature and structure of the plan without sacrificing its integrity... more

Top Asset Protection Strategies

By Susan Jan -- Contrary to popular beliefs, asset protection does not mean hiding assets, and is not a trick to evade authority. Asset protection also does not involve deceptive agreements or fraudulent transfers. It is simply smart and safe financial planning. It uses the cunning of business and tools of financial planning to safe guard your assets from being extracted by outsiders who do not have any right to or claim on your hard earned money... more